Delivered 54 Quality System Enhancements and 3 Major Releases In 10 Months

A global health sciences organization had recently onboarded a newly acquired brand onto their Veeva QualityDocs platform. To ensure the system met the needs of this new functional group, it was critical that they overhaul their existing maintenance and enhancements (M&E) process to make it more robust, organized, effective, and compliant. Additionally, to reduce the manual burden, it was vital that the process be automated to the extent possible via the client’s ServiceNow platform.   Our client tasked us with doing exactly that—as a result, we enhanced user adoption and satisfaction, drove configuration of critical workflows and lifecycle enhancements, and coordinated the successful implementation of three major system releases with no interruption to business operations.

What We Did

1. Redesigned the Existing Process

We met with the individuals running the existing M&E process to understand what the current state process entailed, who was involved, and what tool(s) were being used to manage and track requests. These conversations illuminated that some structure was already in place, but that it lacked the robustness needed to manage the volume of requests coming in from the business, including the newly onboarded user group, in a timely manner. Accordingly, we redesigned the process to meet those needs.

2. Assembled the Team & Created the Tools Needed to Sustain the New Process

From there, we leveraged best practices to identify the roles and responsibilities needed to sustain this process, including a business process owner, business lead, IT lead, and configuration specialist. With the help of our client, we identified the individuals who would be best suited to serve in those roles, and we socialized the corresponding responsibilities with each of them. Additionally, we built a tracker in Smartsheet to help organize, prioritize, and report on status of all enhancements.

3. Rolled out, Managed, and Automated the New Process

We formally rolled out the process and informed all process stakeholders of how to submit and follow the status of their requests. Additionally, we oversaw the process to ensure it operated smoothly and that requests were driven to closure. Lastly, we automated the process by collaborating with the IT Operations team to build the applicable workflows in ServiceNow, allowing the client to oversee and operate this process with much less manual effort.

Client Results

In the first ten months, our client delivered more enhancements and platform releases than ever before, with no interruption to ongoing operations.


Requests delivered


Major releases delivered


Interruptions to the business

Client testimonial

''Before Project Outlier implemented maintenance and enhancements for Veeva QualityDocs, requests were handled very informally, and there was very little visibility into what the business was asking for, what IT was working on, and what progress had been made. The process that Project Outlier engineered was simple yet effective in ensuring requests were received, prioritized appropriately, and completed in a timely manner.''
Ryan Denny Senior Director, IT Compliance and PMO

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