Effectively Managed UAT to Ensure On-Time Go-Live of ERP

Our client was undertaking a critical, highly visible project to implement SAP S4 Hana ERP platform and needed help managing UAT to ensure the system could go live on time.

In order to ensure this was possible, we established an entire UAT workstream with the infrastructure needed to effectively complete testing and resolve defects in a timely manner, all while working 100% remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic.

What We Did

1. Implemented Testing Workstream Structure & Governance

We developed a testing kickoff deck and leveraged it to align all parties on the testing goals, timeline, and roles and responsibilities. Post-kickoff, we scheduled twice-daily standups to ensure all testers and developers were working in lock-step, advising on issues, seeking to understand defects, and discussing all pertinent topics in real-time. Additionally, we created a detailed testing tracker to facilitate accurate and timely testing progress.

2. Actively Managed Testing & Provided Support to Testers

In addition to the structure and governance we implemented, we trained all testers on the use of Jira for test management. Given that this tool was new for most testers, we also provided real-time support via a dedicated Microsoft Teams channel and ad hoc working sessions.


Since testing took place fully remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, these communications channels were critical to ensure testing progressed as expected each day. Additionally, we collaborated with internal and external SOx auditors to review testing documentation to ensure compliance for all of UAT.

3. Meticulously Tracked Testing Efforts & Reported on Testing Status

We leveraged our detailed testing tracker to communicate testing progress and overall testing status to project leadership on a daily basis. Accordingly, all parties were well-informed as to how testing was progressing, and leadership was able to help drive completion of critical issues and decisions as needed.

Client Results

Over the course of just three weeks, we facilitated the completion of 289 test scripts and drove resolution of 108 defects, enabling the system to go live on time!


Test Scripts Completed


Defects Resolved

Client testimonial

''If it weren't for Project Outlier's ability to complete all of UAT in such a short timeframe, I am not sure our SAP S4 Hana implementation would have gone live on-time. They demonstrated an uncanny ability to organize the testing team, help them complete their scripts, and drive the resolution of defects all while reporting out to leadership on a daily basis. Their efforts were widely recognized and appreciated by all parties involved.''
Faeq Mansour Director, IT

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