Rescued Global HR Data Integration Program for a Global Pharmaceutical Client

A global pharmaceutical client with decentralized HR operations needed to integrate data from 60+ countries and 80+ local HR systems to their centralized Workday® platform in 12 months. They had contracted two well-known consulting companies to support sourcing employee data and loading the data to Workday ® through a Teradata data warehouse as well as build ongoing interfaces from 25+ other source systems to an Informatica MDM hub.

Nearly half-way through the planned implementation, requirements had not been finalized for any of the 80+ local HR systems, inaccurate status was reported to senior management, and the chosen strategy would not meet the client’s overall objectives.

What We Did

1. Revamped Data Integration Strategy

We revamped the entire strategy to leverage a global, regional, and in-country team structure to maximize team member contributions, time zones, communication preferences, and local languages to mobilize “boots on the ground”.

2. Developed Data Sourcing Toolkit

We developed and iteratively improved a Global Data Sourcing Toolkit to ensure that stakeholders around the world had clear and consistent understanding of background, purpose, approach, timelines, expectations, templates, definitions, business rules, and other requirements.

3. Streamlined Project Management

We simplified project management practices so the team could focus on working rather than constantly reporting status​. Examples include dividing schedule governance, so the global team focused on overall timelines while in-country teams focused on their own detailed timelines and activities; improving communication flow to eliminate the need for team members to provide the same information to many people; and streamlining dashboards to focus on the most salient points.

Client Results

We collaborated with our client to completely and successfully integrate data from all 60+ countries and 80+ local HR systems, totaling more than 200,000 people records (and millions of related records, i.e. addresses, job changes, compensation, etc.) into their centralized Workday® platform. This transformation yielded a 99%+ data accuracy rate, which surpassed the client's threshold of 90% accurate.

When a well-known consulting firm fell short, we stepped in and delivered what they said couldn’t be done, and we delivered on-time and under budget.

0 Countries

Successfully integrated into single, global Workday platform

0 Local HR Systems

Integrated to share core HR data with global stakeholders

0 Worker Records

Successfully integrated

0 % Accuracy

Data quality metric achieved through initiative, which was nearly 10% higher than client's objective

Client testimonial

''You all have a lot to be proud of. We said it wouldn't be easy, but you delivered above and beyond expectations. I am standing up and clapping very loudly.''
Mary Echevarria Senior Director, Global HR

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